"Friends of the Library" was begun in 1997 for the sole purpose of supporting our local library in any way possible. We are incorporated as a nonprofit organization. No matter how well-funded or how well-staffed, any library is enhanced and strengthened by community and volunteer support. The Aransas County Library has a large group of volunteers who work at the front desk and in the office, supervised by staff members.
A few of these volunteers started the friends organization but the majority of our members are patrons of the library who want to support the library financially. Many also donate books and help at special events. Funds are raised through memberships, an annual book sale, memorial gifts, and by generous donations.
Since its inception, Friends of the Library has purchased the shelving unit for new books and bestsellers, video carousels, a section of read-along books and tapes for children, classic books which are required reading for high school literature classes, and significant additions to our collections of Texas books and Texas authors. The library staff has called on Friends as hosts for workshops and various other activities for the benefit of the county residents.
We hope you will choose to join us as we work for the betterment of our community through the Aransas County Library. |